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Development quickstart


Windows OS

This guide assumes that you are using a Linux or MacOS. For Windows, please use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

Set Up a Local Ceramic Node:

1. Follow this ComposeDB's guide that shows you how to install and configure relevant packages for running a Ceramic node locally.

2. Verify that you have everything set up correctly


$ npx @ceramicnetwork/cli daemon

in your Terminal and if you see the following message

$ IMPORTANT: Ceramic API running on'

you have successfully set up your local Ceramic node 🚀.


In the future, we will provide a public node for Ceramic connection and this step will no longer be needed.

Installation Steps:

1. Fork the repository on GitHub

2. Clone the newly forked repository to your local machine.

replace <your-username> with your GitHub username
$ git clone<your-username>/akasha-core.git

3. Change directory to repository's root

$ cd akasha-core

4. Install dependencies

$ yarn bootstrap

5. Set up env values

Create a new file .env at the root of the project with the contents of env.example.

Follow the comments from the example env file on how to fill in the values.

6. Build the application

$ yarn build:all

Running the application

From the root directory run:

$ yarn start:feed-app

Visit https://localhost:8131/ in your browser.


We are using a self-signed certificate for localhost. You will need to accept the certificate in your browser.

Congrats! You're ready to start developing. Let's start by creating a super simple app.